
Meet the Director

Director & Founder of Kindness Central

Meet the Director

Sierra Dall

Sierra met Dr. Weinhold in the spring of 2023. During a 4 hour lunch they exchanged information and realized that they were equally passionate about making a difference.
When Dr. Weinhold described his extraordinary background and his work developing the Kindness Campaign, Sierra knew she had to get involved. With Sierra’s experience conducting her own collaborative forum for top renewable energy experts, she was able to help Dr. Weinhold structure Kindness Central. Unfortunately Dr. Weinhold passed away in September 2024. Sierra is continuing his work and his legacy as Director of Kindness Central, a forum to bring kindness, anti-bullying and prosocial organizations and individuals together into a learning and collaborative environment.


Dr. Barry Weinhold (1937 – 2024)

Dr. Barry Weinhold was the author or co-author of 80 books, Professor Emeritus, licensed psychologist, Clinical Director of CICRCL, co-creator of Kindness Central and creator of the original Kindness Campaign.  Sadly, Dr. Weinhold passed away September 2024. He is survived by his partner, two grown children, a step-son and a step-granddaughter.

As part of his quest for higher consciousness and his desire to understand evolution at all levels, he has traveled extensively, lived abroad twice and studied a broad array of topics and subjects that helped him create a meta-theory Developmental Systems Theory, a clinical approach Developmental Process Work and the concept Developmental Trauma. During his tenure as Professor at three universities, he created cutting-edge programs for counselors and doctoral students. Both during and after leaving the academic world, he created  Courses for therapists/counselors, produced multiple podcasts on relevant topics and continued with his passion of helping clients improve their lives. In 1994 he developed the first, The Kindness Campaign . and the Kind and Safe School Initiative. These programs were successful in over 700 schools and multiple cities throughout the United States. These frameworks and concepts permeate his thinking, counseling and  writing.

Dr. Barry Weinhold is the author or co-author of 80 books, Professor Emeritus, licensed psychologist, Clinical Director of CICRCL and creator of the original “Kindness Central”. He has a partner, two grown children, a step-son and a step-granddaughter.

As part of his quest for higher consciousness and his desire to understand evolution at all levels, he has traveled extensively, lived abroad twice and studied a broad array of topics and subjects that helped him create a meta-theory Developmental Systems Theory, a clinical approach Developmental Process Work and the concept Developmental Trauma. During his tenure as Professor at three universities, he created cutting-edge programs for counselors and doctoral students. Both during and after leaving the academic world, he created  Courses for therapists/counselors, produced multiple podcasts on relevant topics and continued with his passion of helping clients improve their lives. In 1994 he developed the first, The Kindness Campaign . and the Kind and Safe School Initiative. These programs were successful in over 700 schools and multiple cities throughout the United States. These frameworks and concepts permeate his thinking, counseling and  writing.

Barry's Years in Colorado Springs

In 1971, Barry founded the Counseling & Human Services Program in the School of Education at the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. He served many of his 30 years at UCCS as department chair and helped implement a very successful counselor education curriculum for M.A. level students.

As part of his community service work in Colorado Springs, he founded Kindness Campaign, a community-based primary violence prevention program. He also implemented this program in 12 other cities. This program is described in under “Kindness Campaign”  in another part of this website. In addition, he founded the Kind & Safe Schools Initiative, a character education & bullying prevention program that was implemented in many schools along Colorado’s Front Range and in over 600 other schools in the US and Canada. He also helped start The First Visitor program in Colorado Springs, a home visitation program for new parents designed to prevent child abuse and neglect.

In 1987, he co-founded this nonprofit, tax-exempt institute,  the  Colorado Institute for Conflict Resolution and Creative Leadership (CICRCL). CICRCL is the home for his diverse array of counseling and writing interests, and his consulting and training services. CICRCL also houses his service projects: the Kindness Campaign and the Kind & Safe Schools Initiative and the podcast, GET REAL With Dr. Barry Weinhold.

In 2023, he and Sierra Dall Co-founded Kindness Central.

Barry's Life in North Carolina

After Barry retired from the University of Colorado-Colorado Springs in 1991, he took time off from academia and counseling. He spent part of several winters on the west coast of Florida playing tennis and decompressing from his intense professional years. He began exploring other places he would like to live and through a series of synchronicities, moved to Asheville, NC in 2003.

In 2008 he revised three of his print books (Breaking Free of the Co-dependency Trap, The Flight From Intimacy & Conflict Resolution: The Partnership Way), and wrote the first draft of a co-authored book, Healing Developmental Trauma. He also completed a major revision of their website, while conducting individual and couples’ retreats and working on various CICRCL projects.

Barry is an avid fly fisherman. Barry is also a long-time meditator, yoga practitioner and enjoys hiking, listening to live music, teaching, writing and staying current with his friends.

Barry's Return to Colorado Springs

August 1, 2014, Barry moved back to Colorado Springs to be closer to his children and grandchildren. This move was also motivated primarily by his desire to continue to offer counseling services to the public.  Barry is licensed in Colorado as a Psychologist and so it was easy to re-establish his private practices as a psychologist. He also offered workshops to professionals and the general public. 

What's New with Barry​

This website now offers several FREE REPORTS, posts with advice and suggestions on various topics about how to create more authentic intimate relationships, parenting and child care, family relationships, personal growth, health and healing, and community relationships.

Barry has published over 80 books on co-dependency, counter-dependency, conflict resolution, family counseling, developmental trauma, relationships and developmental psychology. All of the books he authored or co-authored are listed on this website and are available for sale online.

Barry’s most recent books include, What is Your PSYQ?,  GET REAL: The Hazards of Living Out of Your False Self and Intimate Combat: Conflict Resolution Skills For Couples. See the Menu under “Books” for a complete description of all these books.

He also published a book series for men, The Real Men Series, that addresses the long ignored and totally underdeveloped feminine and nurturing side of men. The first and second books in this series, The Male Mother: The Missing Skill Set For Fathers, and The Servant Leader: What the World Needs Now The Wise Elder: Harvesting the Wisdom of Our Fathers and Grandfathers and The Open-Hearted Lover. Look under “Books” on this site.

Here’s a short summary about  Barry’s professional experiences and activities:

  • Professor Emeritus, Founder and Former Program Chair, Counseling and Human Services M.A. Program, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. 1971-2001.

  • Licensed Psychologist, State of Colorado in 1976. License # 284.

  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of Kindness Central with Sierra Dall.

  • Sabbatical Leave in Zurich, Switzerland in 1986.

  • Co-Founder, The Colorado Institute for Conflict Resolution and Creative Leadership, a 501 (c) 3 educational non profit organization in 1987.

  • Founder/Director, The Kindness Campaign, a highly successful community-based violence prevention  program in Colorado Springs and 12 other U. S. cities. 1994-2007.

  • Founder/Director, The Kind & Safe Schools Initiative, a nationally acclaimed character education program that has been adopted by 700+ schools. 1998- present

  • Co-Founder/Trainer, The First Visitor program, serving all new parents in the Pikes Peak Region in since 1999.  This a home visitation program is designed to prevent child abuse and neglect.

  • A United Nations Consultant during the International Year of the Family housed at the U.N. Centre in Vienna, Austria.1992-93.

  • A founding Co-Director of The Bratislava International Center for Family Studies in Slovakia.1992-93.

  • Author or co-author of over 78 books and 100 articles.

  • Co-creator of online courses in Trauma-Informed Care For Practitioners currently marketed by the Trauma-Informed-Care Training Center in Asheville, NC.

  • Founder of a Podcast titled, Finding Hope: The End To Suffering in 2021.

  • Founder of a Podcast titled, GET REAL with Dr. Barry Weinhold in 2022.

  • Member, Free Thinkers of Colorado Springs.

  • Member, Braver Angels, a grassroots effort to end polarization in this country.

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